Keep joking and laughing

January 4, 2018

Comment from E-mail

I am in class right now learning SQL and hope to be a successful developer. I just had some questions that I hope you can address on your main page if you get asked enough.

Q1: Your biography said you just realized in Hawaii that one day you didn’t want to invent and program any more, that you wanted a simpler life, is this true that you wanted a easier life?

Q2: I would really like to hear your advice for being a successful person not just in the IT world but in life in general?

Q3: I also wanted to email you just to see if I got a personal response from you, I understand that you are probably really busy so maybe I will write you again a few year from now. Even a generic email would be fine.

And you know you should take a break sometimes and not spend so much time sending emails , your fans will understand, I do!


A1: I wanted time for my young kids and I got that. I am having a tough time at the moment, mainly due to constant email. The show misled viewers in some aspects. I have 5 hours of email to handle on the easiest day of the year, maybe New Years day, but 8 to 20 hours most days. After a show like the A&E Special, I get a lot. …Woz

A2: Don’t set up your life with situations and cares where you may likely frown. Keep joking and laughing.

A3: Thank you for the generous comments. I’m glad that I was able to remain the person I was and not be changed by Apple’s success. Is that generic enough? I’m sending it to lots of people but only after reading their email and feeling it’s correct. A computer response would never be right all the time.